Friday, 22 January 2010

Blog neglect!! :S

Oops, six month gap there! I didn't mean that to happen, but I have been busy since Benjamin was born (July 9th!). I also lost my photography book for the first 4 months after Benjamin's arrival, as my room was cleared out in a hurry for my homebirth and I didn't oversee the stashing of things, being somewhat preoccupied (!), so it vanished and I couldn't do any of the assignments therefore.

But now I've found it, hooray! I just haven't had chance to read another chapter and figure out the next assignment. I will get to it soon, hopefully. I'm reading the Bible in 90 days till the end of March and that takes up a good lot of my precious spare time so I don't know if I will manage to read and learn about photography till that is finished. We'll see.

I have been taking loads of photos though! And experimenting with the camera. I never ever put it in auto mode. Ever. Or use a flash. I have it in manual mode, and have learned to fiddle with the ISO and whatever that other thing is whose name escapes me at the moment (F stop or something?!!?) as I take photos, and also the white balance. I only discovered the white balance settings a couple of months ago, for some reason! I still haven't read the whole camera manual though.

I took some photos of rain and snow from the window (some with little ones in them) over the last couple of months that I should have posted here. The rain ones I posted on my usual blog in November, the day I took them. I think I will link it here because that's the easiest way of "posting" the pictures: I meant to post them at both blogs because they were definitely photos that were taken with photography in mind, if you know what I mean, rather that just a snap or to record something my kids were doing. I played about with the settings and the light on many of the photos, and I took lots and lots of photographs! I was really pleased with the way some of them came out, especially the rainbow ones.

In December (and January!) it snowed, and I took some photos of the children watching the snow fall. I tried experimenting with the settings again and took lots of different photos - most samey and plenty that were no good in the end, but again it was focusing on "photography" so I wanted to post them here. I still haven't uploaded them though, so I will try to do that soon.

Recently I have been trying to get clear close-up shots of Benjamin (face mostly) with a soft blurred background, and I'm having mixed success so far. I must post some of those efforts too, but I'm already pretty behind on posting photos of all the children on my arthursmummy blog, so I need to do that first!

Will hopefully be back doing assignments here soon! I just thought I had better update! :)